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Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

Expat Life: 3 Years Without TV

I think that most television shows today are pure crap.

When we visit the U.S. on our annual holiday trips, I can�t stand the shows that my friends and parents watch. I feel my brain cells rotting with nearly every show such as American Idol, The Real Housewives and nearly everything on TLC. Really why would someone watch My Teen is Pregnant & So Am I?

�Don�t you want to read a book, go for a walk, listen to music; or heck, maybe even talk to each other?� I think.

In 2010, when we moved to Istanbul to start our new expat life, we left our big screen TV behind with my in-laws. Since there�s different electricity outside of the U.S., we saw no need to bring the TV. We had been wasting over $100 a month for deluxe cable that we hardly ever watched since we worked six days a week.

Once we settled in Turkey, we saw no need to buy an expensive TV and pay for pointless Turkish cable that featured about one channel in English. Instead, we bought a nice Panasonic stereo system so we could listen to music.
I guess if we owned a TV, this is where it would go in our apartment.
I also found plenty of other activities to occupy my time like starting this blog.

Even now in Warsaw (a little over 3 years later), I just don�t miss TV.

However, our one expat indulgence together has been watching The Daily Show and The Colbert Report online via Comedy Central. These guys make me laugh my butt off! Comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert poke fun at all the stupidities happening in America as well as abroad, politicians, U.S. Congress and on Fox News. And for some reason Anthony Weiner continues to make an appearance. Sometimes, I think I find these shows even more hilarious since we don�t live in the U.S.

 For real news, I�ll look online or skim through my Twitter feed. That�s enough for me.

We never saw the need to get hooked on the latest television series except for Mad Men (even if we�re a season behind), and I still continue to watch Grey�s Anatomy.

Many expats I know buy slingboxes, Hulu, Netflix and all sorts of devices or subscription services so they still can stay up-to-date on their current shows. We haven�t. Thank goodness, my husband doesn�t care that much about sports either.

I can understand the fundamental reasons why people watch TV.

Television makes you feel good, laugh, and cry or helps you relax or helps you fall asleep.

But I don�t need television.

And TV definitely doesn�t belong in the bedroom in my opinion. As a friend once told me, the bedroom is for two things and they both start with the letter �s.�

What are your thoughts?


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